$810 Million Dollar Spent+ 6000 Police officer’s deployed+ 16 Years of Wasted Resources = 1 Arrest
Toronto, On- Recently in Toronto, Doug Ford has threatened to investigate any individual who fraudulently obtains new identification and follow suspects around in vehicles, wasting our cities taxes and resources. He has called for an internal audit on the previous governments mishandling of criminal investigations and has similarly requested an audit of how criminal investigations are conducted at the federal level. Doug Ford has also questioned why the Toronto Police Service and the OPP are not conducting investigations themselves, as opposed to commissioning non-police civilians and questioned the tactics of various senior officers. The suspects themselves don’t care if you drive and block traffic; they only ask that you don’t impede the roads when they shop at the downtown stores, respectively. They want you to get paid and dont mind that these commissioned civilians spent $410 million over 16 years. These resources were wasted on hiring young, novice drivers to drive around for no reason. In October 10, 2018, a request was made to deploy 1600+ surveillants who made ficticous licenses at the Yonge/ Gerrard MTO office. Each surveillants was paid or able to receive 1 month ($785) of city of Toronto’s social welfare cheque. For the 8 hours that individuals had to drive around in Toronto, Ontario, the cost to the city was approximately $1.25 million dollars (8 hour period).
It was rumored that the OPP and the WRPS investigated the suspect in Kingston, Ontario only to have him arrested for 153 days or 5 months for a domestic related incident (criminal harassment). This is an embarrassment for the OPP and the WRPS after wasting over $810 million dollars in resources. This includes the cost of individuals having to move to other cities and the cost to hire 1600+ surveillants to drive around in vehicles following the suspect around. The OPP spokesperson along with the representative from WRPS failed to comment after being criticized on why $810 million dollars was spent to arrest a suspect on a domestic incident of 'criminal harassment'
1600 Vehicles Hired x $2100 per month x 18 Years = $60,480,000 x 9 cities he travelled = $544,320,000.00
Estimated to be between $300 to $400 million over the 18 years.
It was also revealed by a confidential source that the OPP officers and WRPS officer responsible for his arrest were involved in various sexual assault allegation, including allegations that the OPP officers were being investigated for 'child pornography'.
OPP officers and WRPS officer responsible for his arrest were involved in various sexual assault allegation, including allegations that the OPP officers were being investigated for 'child pornography'.
While Doug Ford focuses on cutting the Toronto city council from 47 elected representatives to 25 this year, with an estimated cost savings of $2.6 million dollars a year ($119,025 x 22 counsellors), he allows civilians to waste approximately $38 million per year on clandestine policing operations. So who is to blame?, is it the overzealous, inadequate policing agencies, ill-equipped to deal with a real criminal investigation? Or is it the suspects under criminal investigation who requested that surveillants follow them in 2015 (based on r. v. Araujo- investigative necessity- no physical surveillance clause), or is it the officers in charge of the TPS, RCMP, OPP respectively? The suspects want all like-minded Torontonians to get paid and stimulate the vibrant Ontario economy. Why not, we can always print money as it is a resources which hardly goes scarce the unnamed source contends, more importantly, if we have physical surveillance, the use of electronic surveillance devices or evidence adduced from this type of surveillance will fail during a voir dire hearing (admissibility of evidence). Now most of the people driving around were probably wondering what they were doing since 2015? Here goes, he kindly requests that the 6000+ police officers to support his cause and attest to the fact that ‘he was just driving around, and not selling drugs”. Most of the individuals driving around were commissioned as police officers, etc. In the past, the police received wiretap authorizations and search warrants based on the fact that after doing surveillance (or lack of), the need to wiretap the suspect was revealed, this was attributed to the fact that a wiretap must not be the ‘most efficient means’, but must require a rigorous legal threshold of an ‘investigative necessity’. This time around, you have physical surveillance, where in the past there was none. Section 186.1 of the Criminal Code is very concise and clear for obtaining an judicial authorization. The provision stipulates that “(b) that other investigative procedures have been tried and have failed, other investigative procedures are unlikely to succeed or the urgency of the matter is such that it would be impractical to carry out the investigation of the offence using only other investigative procedures”. In this particular case, physical surveillance was successful, as in the past, the officers claimed that they couldn’t spot the suspect (very little surveillance since he doesn’t deliver drugs and just orchestrates or directs the dealings).
[the] "upper-tiers of policing management who kindly requested that the officers in charge of this investigation ‘pay their salaries back’ as repeated by Doug Ford, Chief James, the RCMP Superintendent and recently Ralph Goodale"
Are you a ploy in a game of cat and mouse? Were you subjected to very unusual punishment, after wondering why we are wasting cities resources for 16 years, are you the individuals in the upper-tiers of policing management who kindly requested that the officers in charge of this investigation ‘pay their salaries back’ as repeated by Doug Ford, Chief James, the RCMP Superintendent and recently Ralph Goodale. From unverified sources, it has been revealed that Ralph Goodale may have an informant with first-hand knowledge of who mis-spent the provincial, federal and municipals governement's $410 million dollar.