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The Free-Per-View Era of Movies

The Netflix era which has brought you digital streaming entertainment directly to your PPV or Smart TV is now facing competition from an era of Free-Per-View movies found directly on websites like,,,,

These websites have strategically placed their media servers in countries which have not established copyright infringement regulations. By doing this, they have been able to by-pass those stringent regulations typically safeguarding piracy along with copyright infringements of their content respectively. Regulations vary from country to country, some countries have strict policies on copyright infringement, while others are more ‘friendly’ towards Free-Per-View access to the hit Hollywood movies. It’s important to note that the term Free-Per-View is based on the premise that anyone and everyone should have access to those media sources which are typically readily found on the web.

From the standpoint of the actors and underground movie outlets, etc. the ability to broadcast media including music and movies has essentially brought the big screen and your typically mp3 sharing sites to the general public via: the web, with little to no cost. Inadvertently, this has sub-planted to some extent not known actors to A-List and vice versa (A-List to B and C List). By gaining access to an audience which is ‘friendly’ to open-source, torrent and Free-Per-View viewers per say (I apologize about the vernacular) the little to known companies, along with actors have been able to gain a strong audience presence, while becoming more recognized to the general public as a whole.

Torrent services prior to the Napster era has in some way fueled the need for Hollywood blockbusters at no cost to the subscriber. Skeptics argue, that this has a negative effect on the industry as a whole, since the cost of producing a movie and its generated revenue typically are reinvested for the next movie, etc. However, based on the fact that the Netflix era has not adversely affected the attendance records of the traditional Hollywood movie theatres, it does highlight a growing trend towards online streaming including access and availability of the aforementioned services. This strategy (free access to your blockbuster movies) was also employed in the late 2000 where you could find $2 dollar burned copies of movies in Bangkok, China, Korea, etc. A century later, Netflix was essentially the same ‘game-changer’ that the Ipod or MP3 music was to the music industry as a whole. Once these fly-by-night executives got rich of the idea of movie streaming, they will once again be bypassed by the Free-Per-View era of the 2020’s and beyond.

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